
Tome 2

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Tome 2

Night After Dark



"Come -- taste the blade," urged the words dripping awesomely from her well-glossed cyberLips. Holding the Wandfyreblade lightly in one of her multi-faceted cyber-diamond circlets, she issued Grimm a challenge -- one that he'd have to answer in the only way he knew how: immediately, and with awesomenity. -Night After Dark, custom essay writing, page 2


The second tome of the Extreme series continues the way-rad adventures of Grimm Shado. While taking a brief respite at the Shado encounters a totally hot band of recently dismissed pole dancers. Their only crime: being too smokingly fine. Shado uncovers an intricate web of full-on evil, which he quickly, and with gusto, spanks -- and spanks hard.


This tome holds special meaning to fans for the first canon apearance of Slimm Shado, who Scores, kicks ass and takes names just as well as Grimm Shado -- to a certain degree:



So the contest came to its extreme end and the many moans grew silent in the

Garden. Footsteps and the breaking of rusty bedcoils where heard as Grimm hansomely and awesomely stepped out into the hallway. Now devoid of any populance and tail as far as the eye could see he fixtured his peircing eyes at the door across from where he stood. It opened and out stepped Slimm, beads of sweat falling from his well formed nose. He slowly and dangerously turned his head to face Grimm. "So?" He said, with a smirk growing across his face.

Grimm answered with a growlish sneer. "100 --" Slimm chuckled and then retorted "110, Grimm you are in no way as extreme as you think you are." Grimm lit a cigarette, "100, in this sector. 14 more in the one above." Slimm stood as frozen. The smell of tobacco filled the hallway as passed out pole dancers woke up to see what whas up. With awesome anger Slimm pulled his wands: Freezekill and Killfreeze. Grimm immediatly answered by picking up a candelabra from a nearby table. He spoke wich such awesomnety that the pole dancers who had just awoken fainted again with delight, "Even without my wands I can still rip you a new one!". Slimm answered with his teeth clenched, "let's settle this. To the max!" -Night After Dark, page 53


See Also: Slimm Shado. Grimm Shado. 99 ultraguns. Tome 3. Bedarkening. Tome 1. Crustarock. EX-Hotica. Shrimm Grado. Real Life Timeline. Draven Mechanakorging. Nano Arcane Deathray Amulet. Crazy. Wands. Portamentus. The Song of the Sorcelator. Felbad Darkstalk. Guycho Fartae.



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