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Sorcelator Animation

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

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Sorcelator Animation


A Sorcelator cartoon has entered post-production stage. Combining anime genre with the shameless rip creative approach to the style of Teen Titans or Batman Beyond, the story will focus on a teenage version of Grimm Shado, having similar, but teenagedly (and Dangerous) adventures. All references to Drugalicious will, for instance, be removed.

The title of the show is to be revealed in a week's time, some days before first airing of it.


JohanI believe the title is Sorcelator Ahead.
Lhok Isn't it "Sorcelator Further"?
JohanNo, man. It's either Sorcelator Ahead, or Sorcelator Behind
OMG OMG they cancelled it! The Whores!

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